Friday, April 24, 2009


Ahh, so I'm under the impression that is the hype of the year, the new myspace, the next big thing. So clearly - as i am a sheep that follows everone - I have created a blog.

I'm a bit oblivious to what I'm meant to write, so as this is my first blog, I will inform you about my uneventful day.My day began with a trough at 4:30! The parents had to go to Brisbane this morning, so without any consideration towards me, they made a fair amount of noice while they were getting ready to leave. Thankfully after about 20 minutes of laying in bed, staring at the lifeless ceiling of my lightless bedroom, I dosed back to unconsciousness. The perk to this monotonous day I'm having will probably not occur until my parents get home in about half an hour, and deliver half a dozen glazed Krispy Kremes to our scarce refrigerator.

Ahh, speak of the devil and the devil appears! They just turned up!

Awh, and not just half a dozen glazed doughnuts, but another half a dozen of mixed doughnuts! It's hard to believe how over excited I get about Krispy Kremes. I'm also excited to see my parents, but doughnuts, well that's just like silver lining on a cloudy day!

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