Wednesday, July 15, 2009

In the Interest of Myself

From here on in, I'm going to try and make these posts a bit more photographical, if that's a word, and lets say it is, I just totally ruined the "I'm great at English" effect I was going for, despite my bad spelling and grammer. Owhkay, just typed "photographical" into a word document, and turns out I wasn't incorrectly spelling a word close to that, so maybe there is such thing as "photographical". Kay, now I'm babbling.

I don't know if I spoke about this in my last post, but I'm sure I could talk about him all day. Michael Jackson, I feel so self-absorbed and arrogant, as his existance never meant much to me, except while at a family bbq with a drunk Grandparent/Aunt/Uncle trying to belt out one of his iconic tunes ie; Beat It, Thriller, Billie-Jean. But now he's gone I've been exposed to his greatness and his lifestyle. He was such a unique soul and died too young. I didn't once agree with the child molestation charges against him, noone who can write music about how much he loved the world and children, could possibly be a pedofile. He was such a great humanitarian. I keep using past tense to describe him, but really, his influence towards music and his generousity will live on for eternity. FYI: MJ's in the Guiness World Book of Records for donating the most money to charity ever.
Owhkay, so I'm currently listening to a golden oldie: Pardon Me - Incubus and the line I never thought I would be, at twenty-three, on the verge of spontaneous combustion makes me laugh every single time, as I am a sceptic of this 'spontaneous combustion' business.

Sheesh, I hate it when I have like 8752879364 things running through my mind, which I MUST put in my blog, then forget all of them.

Oooh, there's one, school. Today was 2nd day back, and I've been quite impressed so far, I've received my marks for Maths, Speech&Drama, English and Music, all doing pretty well. But I'm quite affraid of doing senior. I don't know if I'm ready to make life changing decisions and all that jazz, just yet. With the speak of school knocking on our doors, tomorrow Holly and I are going to Whitsunday voices, seeing a couple writers have a chat. I'm not sure what I want to do when I leave school, I was pretty eager to study journalism, but seeing the amount of people that actually read this, it's a bit demoralising, so now I'm leaning towards a Lawyer, and I'm sure that pays better anywho, ha I'm soo money hungry.

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